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Unlocking the Future of Corporate Team Building: The Power of in Person Meetings


In a world more interconnected than ever, the way we conduct business has evolved dramatically. Corporate events, once confined to boardrooms, have found new life in various forms, and one of the most exciting trends is the surge in team-building meetings happening in hotels. If you’re looking to take your corporate team building to the next level, read on, because we’ve got some compelling industry statistics for 2023 that will inspire you to consider maximizing event management technology when meetings include travel.

Industry Statistics for 2023

  1. Rapid Growth in Team-Building Travel: In 2023, the corporate travel landscape has witnessed a surge in team-building events. A whopping 78% of corporations have integrated travel-based team-building activities into their yearly schedules. This indicates a shift towards valuing experiential learning and team bonding.
  2. Meeting Management Tech Adoption: Of these corporations, nearly 67% have embraced advanced event management technology solutions to streamline and enhance their travel-based meetings. These tools are designed to make the planning, management, and execution of such events more efficient.
  3. ROI of Team-Building Travel: The Return on Investment (ROI) for companies investing in team-building travel has been substantial. In 2023, businesses reported that employees who participated in travel-based team-building activities showed a 20% increase in productivity and a 15% boost in overall job satisfaction.
  4. Hotel Meeting Spaces: Hotels have recognized the demand for corporate team-building events and have adapted accordingly. They’ve increased their meeting spaces by 30% to cater to the growing need for such gatherings.
  5. Diverse Destinations: Corporations are becoming more adventurous in their choice of team-building destinations. The statistics reveal that 42% of companies now opt for non-traditional locations such as resorts, eco-lodges, and even international destinations to inspire and rejuvenate their teams.

Why You Should Consider Meeting Technology

These statistics clearly indicate the growing trend and undeniable benefits of team-building travel. But what’s the key to a seamless, successful, and memorable experience? Event management technology is the answer.

  1. Efficient Planning: Meeting management technology streamlines the planning process. It helps you find the perfect venue, manage your budget, and keep track of all the logistics with ease.
  2. Seamless Communication: Whether your team is scattered across the globe or all in one place, meeting management technology fosters complete communication before, during and after an event. This is crucial for keeping everyone on the same page and ensuring a smooth event.
  3. Sustainability: In today’s world, sustainability is a top priority. Meeting technology can assist in choosing eco-friendly venues and transportation options, eliminating paper and single-use plastics, and aligning your team-building activities with your company’s sustainability goals.
  4. Data-Driven Decision-Making: With the help of advanced data analytics, meeting technology allows you to measure the success of your team-building events. This insight enables you to make data-driven decisions for future meetings.

Schedule a Demo Today

To fully capitalize on the immense potential of corporate team-building travel, it’s time to consider meeting technology. The industry statistics for 2023 are compelling, and the benefits are clear.

Scheduling a demo ( with a meeting technology specialist is your first step towards creating unforgettable team-building experiences. With the right tools, you can streamline your planning, enhance communication, and ensure the success of your team-building events.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your corporate team building to new heights. Contact us today to explore how meeting technology can transform your meetings in 2023 and beyond.

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