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How Travel Quest made a 685% ROI on one event

Industry: Travel agency - Meetings & Events Division + Furniture Retail

Use Cases: Event Registration

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The agency needed to deliver a hotel booking engine with competitive rates that could be customized to the clients marketing requirements while also being integrated with the agency’s core technology to allow full support to all travelers.


Event Booking Page by Groupize.


By simply launching a Groupize Event Booking page, Travel Quest captured an incremental 410 bookings (an 8% increase) without increasing the workload on their Agent Team. The average stay at High Point Market is 3+ days, so Travel Quest’s realized an incremental $24,700 in revenues on one event. This represents a 685% ROI on their investment in Groupize, with just one event.

Why Customers Love Groupize

Customer Support Satisfaction
0 %
Hours Saved Per Event
0 X
Savings on Meetings & Events
0 %


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