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Groupize for HR: Training, Recruiting and Guest Travel

In 2023, “Job #1” at companies is to get back to business with an often dispersed workforce and HR professionals are often leading the charge to get back to work in offices, and back on the road via travel. HR is now also responsible for company culture, including recruiting, onboarding, training, internal meetings, company retreats, and other employee engagement events to foster team-building, productivity and results.

“Before COVID, we only managed Tier 1 events, now we have to manage all! Groupize is the perfect solution because it is so easy to use, gives us the visibility and oversight we need, and saves us money!”

While these employee centric gatherings are not often called meetings, the building blocks are the same and Groupize makes it simple to manage invitations, communications, information, travel and expenses in one place. Groupize leads the industry in guest travel such as interns, candidates, contractors, contingent workers, students, companions, HCP’s and more.  From simple virtual meetings to extended stays, automate and simplify processess and free up time to focus on employee engagement, safety and well being.  Unengaged employees cost the world $7.8 trillion in productivity according to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace 2022 Report.

Get the tools you need to keep people safe, secure, and connected and stay in the know with global visibility:

  • Unlimited users and organizations for global implementations
  • Easy to use for coordinators and project managers
  • Improve onboarding and training experience with advance information
  • Faster reimbursement 
  • Augment headcount
  • Employee attraction and retention tool
  • Track training and attendee check in status
  • Onsite Learning, Resources and Content Delivery
  • Know where people are when traveling – more than just which airport they landed in.
Duty of Care Visibility Map
  • Keep employees safe, secure and well at work and while traveling
  • Contact tracing
  • Easily identify your company’s preferred suppliers who have been vetted with health and safety protocols
  • Duty of Care Map and communications (SMS and Direct Message)
  • Real time status of travel plans
  • Workflows to get the right person to do the right job
  • Help organizers be more effective and make less mistakes
  • Reduce attrition and cancellation penalties
  • Compliance and Security, better management of confidential information
  • Multi-lingual, multi-currency and multi-timezone

Meeting Benefits include:

  • Enhancing productivity.
  • Instilling corporate values.
  • Driving employee wellness and retention
  • Improving team dynamics.
  • Helping employees make advances in professional development.
Non Profit Team Work

“Year after year, the Groupize team is what sets the company as an excellent provider of online software. They are communicative, creative and proactive offering help to enable success.”



Explore meeting, travel, expense & reporting modules.

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See how Groupize can benefit the meetings and events in your organization. 

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